Numeracy has never been more important. The rapidly evolving nature of knowledge, work and technology, demands stronger understanding, reasoning, strategic and problem-solving skills.
The Victorian mathematics curriculum is based on three sub strands Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
The proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning are fundamental to learning mathematics and working mathematically and are applied across all three strands.
Each week numeracy consists of a combination of whole class lessons and needs-based groupings designed to:
As well as the daily explicit teaching of mathematics Mentone Primary School provides the children with a wide variety of programs and special events, such as Maths mind benders, Family Fun Maths Night and Whole School Numeracy Week activities and challenges that celebrate mathematics.
Language & Literacy Approach
To teach reading and writing skills in Grade 2, students are exposed to a diverse range of reading, writing, speaking and listening activities for authentic purposes using high quality literature. Students explore story and sentence structure and analyse and examine the use of language features in written texts. They are encouraged to include what they have learnt in their own writing. Students are provided with lessons that enable them to learn beyond their independent reading ability.
Read Write Inc.
Read Write Inc. is a whole school approach to teaching early reading and writing, designed to ensure progress for every child. It connects word reading, comprehension, writing and spelling together seamlessly. Students take part in this 5 times a week.
CAFÉ Reading
We also teach the Cafe reading strategies to help your child read.
C stands for Comprehension, A for Accuracy, F for Fluency and E for Expanding Vocabulary
Home Reading
Students are supplied with reading texts to take home to practice their reading with parents. These levelled readers are one level below instructional. At home the reading should be fluent. The emphasis should be on discussion of the content and building comprehension.
Parents are encouraged to use sounds, not letter names, use Read Write Inc. Fred Talk to read and spell words, listen to your child read every day and read stories to your child.
At Home
Parents are encouraged to assist their children with:
© Mentone Primary School