GRIN Getting Ready for Numeracy (GRIN®) Intervention Program
The GRIN intervention program is intended to provide support for students experiencing difficulty in mathematics. Mentone Primary School is a licensed GRIN school with accredited GRIN staff. Our GRIN tutors have undertaken the Monash University GRIN Intervention Program professional training.
GRIN sessions are conducted in addition to and before the normal daily mathematics lessons. The program is delivered by tutors who have been qualified in the GRIN model of intervention. The tutor may be a classroom teacher or a specialist GRIN tutor.
A qualified tutor conducts the sessions with small groups of students. The key idea is for tutors to prepare the intervention students for the subsequent mathematics lesson. Major considerations are to familiarise students with the relevant language and terminology that they will hear during the classroom lesson and for the tutor to model what students can expect to see and/or do in the lesson.
GRIN sessions are necessarily brief (between 15 - 25 minutes) and focused. In most cases students attend multiple GRIN sessions in any one week. The timing and number of GRIN sessions that a student attends varies depending on individual student needs and/or timetable constraints. The GRIN tutor identifies the key language and learning goals of the upcoming classroom lesson to ensure that the GRIN students can be engaged in the classroom experience.
During mathematics lessons, the classroom teacher supports the work of the tutor by calling upon the GRIN students from time to time to provide explanations and suggestions that recognise their prior learning and to further build their confidence.
© Mentone Primary School